Saturday, August 23, 2008

How to Romance Your Partner and Keep Your Love Alive and New

Romance is when you do something to express affection in an unexpected but meaning way. Is romance missing in your relationship? Here are simple, inexpensive ways to show your partner love and add romance to your relationship. Use romance to make your relationship stronger, remember it doesn't have to take a lot of time or money sometimes the simple things mean the most. Practice romance everyday and keep your relationship alive and new.

Things You’ll Need:
picnic basket
greeting card
DVD or VHS movie
wine or champagne
shrimp, crackers & cheese, strawberries, grapes or cherries

Step 1 - Take a day trip, pack a picnic lunch and relax on a blanket.
Step 2 - Go to a drive-in movie or if your neighborhood has movie night under the stars, take a blanket and go watch the movie together.
Step 3 - Prepare the bathroom with flowers and candles and take a bath together washing each other slowly. You don't have to have a giant jacuzzi tub to do this.
Step 4 - Write your partner a love letter.
Step 5 - Listen carefully to things your partner mentions or likes; buy small gifts and hide them in different places where he/she will find them like a desk drawer, the kitchen drawer, a pocket, etc.
Step 6 - Light candles and the fireplace and have an indoor picnic on the floor by the fireplace.
Step 7 - Make a shadow box of your first date or the first time you met.
Step 8 - Send a "I Love You" or friendship card everyday for a week.
Step 9 - Write a love message on the bathroom mirror with lipstick.
Step 10 - List 100 reason why you are in love with your partner.
Step 11 - Go for a walk in the pouring rain on a warm summer night.
Step 12 - If your partner travels pack several sexy, tasteful photos of you in his suitcase.
Step 13 - Plan a surprise getaway to a 4-star hotel or a bed and breakfast. Let your partner know what to pack but keep the destinations a surprise.
Step 14 - Plan a movie night in bed, light candles and serve shrimp, crackers & cheese, wine or champagne, strawberries, grapes or cherries.
Step 15 - Dress up and slow dance in the living room to candle light.
Step 16 - Call your partner's voice mail and leave a romantic song as the message like "I just called to say I love you" by Stevie Wonder.
Step 17 - Make your partner a handmade card just because.
Step 18 - Make your partner a handmade present.
Step 19 - Get up early on Sunday morning, go for a walk with your partner, come back and sit on the porch or the deck and have breakfast and read the Sunday newspaper together.
Step 20 - Read erotica out loud to each other you never know where that can lead.
Step 21 - Trace a message like "I love you" on your partner's back with your index finger.
Step 22 - Return to the place where you met or where you had your first date for each anniversary.
Step 23 - Plan a romantic evening with dinner, candlelight, roses, soft music and make a trail of rose petals leading to the bathroom for a bath or shower together and another trail of rose petals leading to the bedroom.
Step 24 - Send your partner flowers to their jobs or home for no reason.
Step 25 - Turn on quiet music, light candles and take turns massaging each others feet, body and scalp.
Step 26 - Pretend you and your partner just met and court them. Do the same things you did to impress them when you first met.
Step 27 - Spend time every day cuddling and snuggling without it leading to sex. Do this before you get out of bed each morning or just before going to sleep at night.
Step 28 - Have a joke night where you spend time telling each other jokes and laughing out loud. Laugh until it hurts. This can be a lot of fun.
Step 29 - Write a poem or rap song together and then take turns reading it or rapping.
Step 30 - Pray together. Have morning devotion together or read the entire bible together one day at a time.

Tips & Warnings:
Remember a man's idea of romance might be different than a women's so a lot of things on this list might not work for your relationship. In some cases you might have to compromise and do what your partner enjoys even though you might not enjoy it as much.

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