Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to Maintain a Long-Distance Relationship

Are you both wondering what the future will hold in terms of your relationship? Don't fret--there are ways to make it work! It just takes a little extra time, effort and creativity. In this article, I'll show you some easy ways to let each other know you care despite the distance.

Things You’ll Need:
• a honey who's far away
• some crafty things such as watercolors, paint brush, colored pencils, water color paper, scissors, glue/mod podge, etc.
• cd burner
• digital camera
• some creativity

Step 1 - WRITE LETTERS. In this electronic world, it's easy to replace old-fashioned letter writing with email--and sometimes it's more efficient to do so. But when it comes to love, it's better to revert to snail mail. Whether its once a week, once a month, or once in a blue moon, letter writing gives you the opportunity to simmer over your thoughts, grab your favorite pen, and write something that can't be captured in an email. Just think of how surprised your honey will be to get a piece of mail that's not a bill or netflix! He or she will surely return the favor.

IDEA: Make a puzzle letter by taking a sheet of thick cardstock or watercolor paper. Using either watercolors or colored pencils, draw a light-colored scene or design, so as to make your own background/stationary. Write your message over this design. Cut the letter in interesting shapes and put in an envelope. Your sweetheart will have fun putting the letter together before he/she can read it!
Step 2 - SEND PRESENTS. Again, this isn't something you have to do every week. Once every month or so is good. And they don't have to be expensive. Just something that makes you think of your honey or an inside joke or a moment you shared together. A book, a Polaroid, a screenprint, or a thrift-store trinket are some ideas. Send a box of fine tea over fine chocolate. Or a bottle of specialty beer in lieu of flowers. This will give you each an opportunity to recall the times you've shared (if you're sending something to spark memories) or if you're sending something new, like an interesting beverage, it'll give you an opportunity to share an experience even if you can't do it in person.
Step 3 - CELEBRATE. Being separated during holidays, birthdays, or anniversaries can be difficult. Celebrate these events long-distance if you can't be together. Send holiday presents and take videos of yourselves opening the present you receive from your sweetheart--or do it in realtime with a webcam. If you can't be there to celebrate your honey's birthday, send a party! Pack streamers, kazoos, a candy-filled pinata, and hats, etc in a box and send it.
Step 4 - GET SAPPY. SOMETIMES. Make a mixed CD--or mixed tape, if you're old school--of favorite songs or new ones you think your sweetheart will like. Make an album full of photos of the two of you and your friends. Write poems. Send mushy text messages while you know he/she is at work.
Step 5 - VISIT EACH OTHER. This can be hard to once you've settled into your new, seemingly single life. But it's important to take turns visiting each other so neither of you feels neglected. If transportation starts getting expensive, choose a destination between your locations and meet each other half way. Even if it's for a weekend, it will be worth it.

Tips & Warnings:
• Be unexpected! Send or do things when you know you sweetheart isn't expecting you to.
• Make it your own. If you have difficulty being creative, try to personalize the things you buy. If you're buying a box of chocolates, send a card with a note from you.
• When all else fails, a simple phone call to say "hello" or "i miss you" will always suffice.

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