Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here's how to find a partner by first being happy with your own life

There's a lot to be said for getting your own life in order before you involve someone else in it. Some people even say you can never be happy in a relationship unless you're happy with yourself and your life before the relationship begins.

Step 1 - Think about why you want a partner. If it's because you're not happy without someone, you may need to concentrate on being a better single person - otherwise, you may be too possessive and scare away potential partners.
Step 2 - Focus on keeping your mind and your home free of clutter. Real and imagined junk can distract you and make you feel overwhelmed when there's really nothing wrong at all.
Step 3 - Start clearing up your credit problems, outstanding debts and other unresolved business. If nothing else comes of this exercise, you'll feel better about yourself.
Step 4 - Take control of your life by accepting the fact that you're single and concentrating on the things in your life that are going well.
Step 5 - Work on fixing the other things in your life that aren't perfect. For example, if you can't find a partner and you hate your job, you can't make a partner come to you, but you can work on getting a better job so you'll have one less thing to worry about.
Step 6 - Find something that gives your life as a single person some meaning. It could be the discovery of a spiritual home or it could be finding volunteer work or a job that allows you to feel you're contributing to society.
Step 7 - Keep dating and waiting while you get your life in order, but be realistic with your expectations.

Tips & Warnings:
Stay focused on being a good partner, not on finding a partner to be good to you. You'll be more likely to find someone who's interested.

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