Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Safer sex and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

· there are many diseases that can be caught whilst having sex, some of which cannot be cured and some of which can be fatal.
· fortunately, it is possible to have a lot of fun without risking your life too much if you know what you are doing:)
safer strategies:
· he may well be infected without knowing, and even if he does know he may choose to keep it secret or lie about it. the most effective way to stay infection free is to take complete responsibility for your own protection and assume that any guy you have sex with could be carrying HIV or another STD.
· never assume you will be able to spot someone who has HIV or other STD. usually, the guy will appear perfectly fit and healthy regardless of any STD infection.
· be aware that drink and recreational drugs can adversely affect your judgment and make you take risks during sex you might greatly regret later on.
· unprotected sex within a monogamous relationship is only safe if you have both been tested after 3 or more months of monogamy and your partner really is maintaining the monogamy. how long have you known him? have you any doubts whatsoever about his behavior when you are not there?
· the more sex you have with different guys, statistically the chances become higher that you will at some time be exposed to various infections, although all it takes is a single unprotected sexual encounter to become infected.
· if you slip up and allow unsafe sex to happen, you may find that your doctor can offer you "Post Exposure Prophylaxis" (PEP) - this treatment can reduce the chance of infection taking place when you have been exposed to the HIV(AIDS) virus. this treatment needs to be started within 24-36 hours of exposure.
· be aware that having one STD (e.g. Gonorrhea) can make you more susceptible to infection with something more serious (e.g. HIV). always have your health checked out if you think you might have picked up an infection.

fucking (anal sex):· fucking is higher risk than most other common sexual activities, so always make sure a condom is worn for the entire time - it reduces the risk of HIV infection by an estimated 95%.
· if two guys fuck without a condom, the guy who is being fucked has the biggest risk of receiving an infection (about 8 times higher for HIV). even if the guy doing the fucking pulls out before cumming there is still a risk of HIV infection from his pre-cum, although the risk may be somewhat reduced.
· when fucking, always make sure that you use plenty of water-based lubricant, as this will reduce the risk of the condom breaking. even without a condom, it also reduces the risk that the guy getting fucked will receive small cuts/abrasions in his anus, (these further increase the risk that any infection is transferred). oil based lubricant must NOT be used with a rubber condom, as it will dissolve it.
· after the guy who is doing the fucking has come, he should (carefully) withdraw whilst holding on to the base of the condom to make sure that it remains in place.

sucking (oral sex):· sucking a guy's cock is regarded as lower risk than allowing him to fuck you, because the inside of the mouth is more resilient to infection than the rectum. the risk of infection transfer is greater for the guy doing the sucking than for the guy being sucked.
· the safest way to have oral sex is to make sure a condom is used the entire time, there is a significant possibility of infection with HIV or other STD if you don't.
· but because oral sex carries a considerably reduced 7% of the risk of anal sex, some guys choose not to use a condom, although please note:
1) oral sex without a condom is high risk if you have any sores in your mouth or your gums are bleeding.
2) brushing your teeth shortly before having oral sex will increase the risk of infection. brush your teeth before going out on your date, not when you bring him home for sex.
3) the risk of infection is increased if you allow the guy to cum in your mouth, or if he produces any pre-cum inside your mouth…

wanking (masturbation):· mutual masturbation is generally regarded as the safest sexual activity, because there is less risk of exchange of body fluids.
· even so, if a man is carrying the HIV virus his cum is highly infectious so cum should be treated with care. if 1 guy comes first, the other guy should never use his cum as lube (the urethra is a site of infection), and you should be especially careful if either of you have any cuts or sores - these provide a route to infection if they come into contact with the others blood, cum or pre-cum.

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