Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What MEN really want?...

Many of us have the tendency to "forget" them. So here is: the TOP FIVE EMOTIONAL NEEDS OF MEN (because we know that they're not going to tell us what they are).
1) Sexual fulfillment
2) Admiration
3) Domestic Support
4) Attractive Spouse
5) Recreational companionship

If any of a spouses five basic needs are unmeet, that person can become unhappy, dissatisfied... and vulnerable to the lure of another who can offer him the attention and affirmation he misses at home.
So if want to affair-proof marriage (for instance) don't wait until you smell someone else's perfume in his car to make drastic changes. It starts with the small thing. It starts today...

1 comment:

  1. Nr 1 is right and I heard today someone say that a guy thinks about sex every 52 seconds and a woman thinks about shopping all the time.
    Well every 52 seconds is a lot and in my opinion way too much but its true that guys do think about sex really a lot everyday again
