Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Seem Cool Even When You Are Not

Americans have always had some sort of a fascination over being cool. It used to be the Fonz and James Dean, now it is more like Tom Brady for his excellence in throwing a football. All of us have at least a small amount of cool going on; however, there are ways to overcome what you lack. Follow these suggestions on how to seem cool even when you are not.

Step 1
- Keep up with the latest trends in buzzwords. Most cool people talk like they are from another planet, with made up words like technosexual, aquadextrous and connectile dysfunction. Other cool people will know exactly what you are talking about, even though you really haven’t got a clue. You can keep informed of the latest cool buzzwords at, because you should actually know what they mean before using them (see Resources below).
Step 2 - Tell people that you are from a city that is much cooler than the one that you are in. Some cities just seem to be cooler than others because they have so much more to offer. So try to think of an extremely cool and hip locale to say that you are from, instead of the Podunk town you really came from.
Step 3 - Make your career something cool sounding. Even if you have to add a word or two to your existing job title, people will think you are cool, if you have a cool sounding job title. In today’s media mania, any type of job in the media industry would have people fascinated to even know you. It sounds more exciting to be an online creative media strategist, than a simple title of writer. Add words like digital, creative and manager to sound more important.
Step 4 - Get an accent. Something is very intriguing about a foreign accent that creates an aura of irresistible mystery. Be sure to research the accent before using it or you may come off looking quite uncool. Irish accents are fairly easy to copy and they give an impression of charm and sophistication.
Step 5 - Keep your cool and maintain composure under pressure. The saying goes to never let them see you sweat, but you don’t want them to smell you either, so lather good with a nice smelling wash and use plenty of deodorant. Staying cool under pressure means to avoid looking ruffled when faced with the unknown. There’s no need to try to get all of the attention either, because you will make yourself look needy. You will seem cool, even if you are not, if you practice patience and let the party, so to speak, come to you.

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